Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

He could have forgotten or mis-remembered after the fact
it’s very possible that the memory he wants to have in that place over-wrote the actual memory

alright tell me how your mind reading powers bypass that

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i don’t have orange’s brain

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It is true that this can happen but like

If that was the case

Why did I ask them to explain their read in the first place and then try and get them to reconnect it with reality at all

I could have just skipped that part

again i don’t have your brain

As soon as it was not what had actually happened I could have jumped on them

Instead I tried to get an answer

And only when it failed did I start actually running them through the mud rather than just generic pressure

the problem is that you are assuming that what he thinks he was doing is wrong

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coming from me it’s impossible to not compare it to dangan where he absolutely never had any intention of backing off, and I see no tangible differences from there to this game

so coming from me, yes that assumption is fair

The assumption is invalid when you can’t mind read

i disagree since there are no differences between the two games imo

if you don’t do thread reads
you can’t win

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thread reads D1 Italy was scum and it was correct

This was a hydra 9-slot vanilla setup where I had one partner

That was a huge rolemadness game with a ten-man wolf team

They were inherently super different lel

May not be bullshit after all

that wasn’t even a thread read

that was an out-of-thread read

scum DECIMATED with facts and logic


In terms of the way you deathtunneled d1
not really
