Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I don’t think lynching newbies has anything to do with morality


I wouldn’t go out of my way to do it

But I’m also not going to not if they are clearly scum

cough @Ami cough


you leave your moral badges and shoes at the front door sir


To an extent, hopefully

yeah ha ha ha…

in any case I tend to think of being LHF as more of a property of specific players as players than as a property of someone’s play in a game? if a strong and experienced player is being wolfy that doesn’t make them LHF, it just makes them wolfy, and conversely if a player who responds to accusations that they’re scum with ‘maybe I’m a JESTER and the game is BASTARD’ rolls innocent child it doesn’t make them not LHF it just means that it’s going to be hard to mislynch them in that particular game

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these are identical

tbf I think there is definitely a per-game component

If the normally LHF pulls a game where they really put in effort, they’re probably not LHF in that game? Likewise with the inverse

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N reread that post you missed a negative

The writing is a bit confusing but

A real LHF is “even if you do the most effort you can, as soon as you get tunneled even a bit, its clear that you will be the lynch for today”
that was my earlier me ^^

so then

not Joycats and not Society

no, i didn’t pls reread

because both Joycats and Society are perfectly capable of defending themselves

I said that’s the extreme form…

In that case your opinion is just wildly off from the commonly-used definition

then the commonly-used definition is vague and stupid
and i hate ambiguity

Which is like fine but nobody is going to agree with you when you use the term then lol

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But yes Arete, “LHF” gets thrown around way too much

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Welcome to Mafia :man_shrugging:

Define angleshooting and then get back to me

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