Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

But I got myslynched a few times because of it. Dosent feel good. So you know what I’m doing now? Working on improving my play.

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Wasn’t that just an effort problem?

No it had to do with how I made my reads and my struggle with explaining them

Anyways I really do need to sleep I have a test tomorrow

I mean, we all strive for getting better, right?
Mislynching is not needed as motivation?
or is that just me

But I do see this as a huge problem yes,
remember when Chemist played his first time here? He was playing a very good support style game… and town was just disregarding it and trying to lynch him cuz he didn’t play the traditional way

And I really doubt he looks at that game as a bad thing instead of a learning experience

What can he learn from that? That town is too dumb and too stubborn to listen, and scumread you for simply playing differently than the current meta? :wink:

That’s not actually it. I still thought you were acting scummy got not re-evaluating ever…

I just lost motivation to play and didn’t care to continue defending stance into D2

Reading the room is important sometimes :upside_down_face:

It’s generally not cool to hard focus a newbie
But if they are acting like scum more than new town (which is generally pretty easy to notice), then you probably still will have to lynch them



Link for context

Better link for better context


talking about Chaos.

I still want to re-make it.


wha, why not?

It was an unbalanced setup at first (very high confirmability)
A redo of it would be good


Would you want to help me with a redo, ya know like a balanced “chaos” or something?
You challenged me to it like last year in March I said I could get it done in a week but obviously a year later I’m still not done.

isn’t the point of the mode that a bunch of people threw out a bunch of class suggestions to make up the rolelist