Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

How are you confused?

If I wanted to post a read on a team Iā€™d put the team name.

but what about me

I guess Iā€™m just struggling to differentiate between each member of a hydra? I dunno

Sheā€™s accusing you of cooking the books and using photoshop to create a fake error

ā€¦how does that help either alignment?


Thatā€™s just dumb. They posted the screenshot immediately.

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@clonedcheese please read the katze / chloe slot and provide an actual read

orange is right. the content is def there


got kicked out of the house and was told to go run around the neighborhood


This is what Iā€™m consulting my technical advisor for
He apparently has some way to tell whether an image was edited through something called ā€œmetadataā€

Look at the other part of my wallpost

Had you fabricated that, it would mean that you were trying to cover up your disposition to hammer. It would further mean that an early hammer was intended and not a ā€œmistakeā€ as you claim

lying about the timer is grounds for modkill


itā€™s not that I donā€™t see that katze and chloe has posted

itā€™s that I canā€™t seem to read them reee


is the technical advisor your partner

then provide quotes and explain why you fail to read them
stating them to be a NAI unreadable ā€œtrollā€ without context helps noone.

youā€™re better than this, mobius

what if I said I was town

@eevee 1. no need to be toxic to me 2. what is your reason to fake this screenshot?
