Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I remember you throwin the defense on them when I was doing random push on N.1
That’s exactly why it doesn’t add up.

You say you fencesit this slot, but you defend it?

If you was fencesitting it, you would wait to see what happens, for more information, rather then defending it. That’s the point.

angry meow

I don’t remember ever defending them barring a “will evaluate later” until like two hours ago

I agree which is why I’m confused


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@katze I read this post as scum with a 80% confidence on it. What the heck is this post lol.

a scumread

what’s this post?

It has been done


a scumread

What is this post

a response to bad shade

tell me what’s so scummy about my scumread, if you think it’s scummy

I felt pain reading this

It’s the fact that you scum read society, saw it isn’t a top wagon anymore, then mention that they are probably scum due to meta but I’ll leave it at that for others to figure it out.

because i want them to die today because that slot is scum in my eyes

i have more written out, i just want to see what my partner thinks

i want to see how she reads and i don’t want to handfeed her only my opinions

okay then katze nevermind you go back to being towneead

I honestly think Italy is Town

confused katze noises

Do you mean this?

Because I stand by the fact that that seems cognitively consistent but nowhere do I state that that’s particularly AI

Because doing something when pressured to isn’t super AI - both alignments will do so :man_shrugging:

I’m running out of posts fuck

you made me change my mind


Who am I even voting I forget

vote yourself and AtE

Must have not been that big of a read if you forgot who you voted.

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