Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I don’t think that’s how it works

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sh that was my secret 300 iq plan go back in our basement

Sowwy I’ll go away

btw both heads of our hydra mostly agree on reads if that means anything to u

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Society Gamers 1/5
Solar Opposites :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: 1/5
Italia Society, Solar Opposites 2/5
The Apex Legends Dangan Midgets 1/5
Composite Materials The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes 1/5
:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: Composite Materials 1/5
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We don’t hard disagree on anything but some of our nulls the other has more opinions on

I feel like I been thrown off this game ever since Eevee told me not to post for 24 hours because he needed to do statistical analysis without it being influenced and then he decides to post anyway…

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derps you are gone
bye bye

Take me to ur dungeon UwU

this wagon needs more traction


i think i’m just gonna post those reads

midgets (derps has doubts here)

apex (and here)


“but vulgard why do u think solar is wolfy if you also think society looks bad”
these are mostly independent reads. i don’t want to dive down the rabbit hole of associations too soon

I can try to explain my thoughts to you.
Eevee tried to quickhammer you
Then noticed that it wasn’t enough votes, was forced to unvote, and then fabricated false proof to “justify” their quickhammer (since eevee “thought” the day would have been only 2 hours left anyways). He avoided all questions after a “why” he tried to quickhammer

i dont get how we’re your top town read

can you explain that

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but it’s v indicative for eevee to fuck around like this

i feel it in my soul

If Eevee was scum a quick hammer their is -EV they knew it wasn’t hammer anyways

are you trying to pocket me vulgard

do you think i’m a wolf trying to pocket you