Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!


im going to go be sad now

its not you

its me possessed

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Jeez, y’all went quiet.

sorry my mom told me to keep it down

Quality pasta

Tell her to cut the chord

Italy’s play this game reminds me of Handel’s Messiah. Everyone heard it, but no one can remember what it was.

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i think that’s just italy in general
unless i do something so insane that it’s unforgettable

Mind helping out the uneducated folk down here?

As long as it’s not about english literature, sure.

I was asking what Handel’s Messiah was lol

An oratorio.



That’s Italy in this game.

Everyone heard this chorus, but noone knew where.

whats up gamers

vsauce chloe here

hey gamer

hey gamer

tell me gamer,
how do you feel about this game?

the game is pretty gamey; how about you, gamer?

pretty good game, gamer