Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

@Arete is it possible to lynch your other half and just your other half?

/vote The Apex Legends

wait donā€™t actually vote yourself

Well, that would be illogical.

Oh, okay. /unvote

idk what vc is on donā€™t vote yourself lol

Iā€™m gonna continue voting you though.

vc? Iā€™m gonna guessā€¦ vote count?

All these abbreviations are really messing with my head, you know.


Iā€™m too kind when Iā€™m tired.

I mean, you seem to be nice to talk to generally speaking.

@Wazza your hydra has been the only one to vote us thusfar (except for me, of course!)

wait really? cool

hah, you should see me when Iā€™m a dick.

Or just ask Seth, he hates me.

I prefer to make my own opinions of people. I find that doing otherwise tends to make people look like idiots.

Oh well you should learn quickly everyone hates me.

Apart from everyone, they all like me.

Actually idk, some people itā€™s obvious they like me (because theyā€™re cool people, cough @SirDerpsAlot cough) but others donā€™t show signs

Stop trying to make me hate you lol

Iā€™m sure not everyone hates you. Many of the people here are very amiable. Plus, you have a hydra partner, so you canā€™t be too disliked.

nah, me and DatBird have just been friends on the forums for like the longest time.

Even if they donā€™t agree.

But I consider him a friend and someone I would talk to after I leave.

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Either way, this is off-topic now, but glad you donā€™t hate me.

Anyway why are you scum but Iā€™m saying this in the nicest way because youā€™re cool.