Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Imma pick C in Marshal’s honor

I wasn’t pinged but it was important

why can’t i participate

i wonder if there’s a reason he picked those specific 6 people from those hydras

The betas

Italy youre an alpha with me

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but you didnt get pinged

Shuddup beta

now i’m sad because i can’t be an alpha gamer

see, italy knows the pinged ones are the alphas



Gimme A because it kinda looks like Donkey Kong and DK is boss


Good morning everyone

Meh, am I going to get lynched D1 again? That’s old custom, I thought we were over that
I’m scumreading eevee, Marshal and Possessed
What are your opinions?

Did anything interesting happen in the last hundred posts

i revealed as an innocent child and i have a redcheck on your slot

you’re also at L-1

/vote orange


you should probably unvote tho cause i think you’re at L-2 or 1 now

and orange is gonna yell at you

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why are you the reasonable of us two
and why am I still so tired

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