Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I don’t like reading

Well idk what to tell ya bud

i just woke up
and i’ve done nothing regarding solving this game since i went to sleep
so i probs won’t be much help before EoD
feel free to ping me if you want to talk, though

Orange are you really sure Datbird is town because I think they aren’t.

Why not?

Their null for me, they were light town but idk they haven’t been around enough for me to TR them

I guess that’s fair, I been pretty preoccupied. Well I’ll try and be more active til EoD and tomorrow

Datbird I honestly think it’s because you are pretty much coasting this day. We are nearing end of day, and you are still posting your reads from mostly memory. It’s like you don’t care that much

I think Italia is a much better lynch RN, and I say that with 1/2 of Solar Opposites in my grill. I think Orange can be redeemed tomorrow and well have better communication as the game progresses

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Society Gamers, Solar Opposites 2/5
Solar Opposites :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:, The Apex Legends 2/5
Italia Composite Materials, Society 2/5
The Apex Legends Dangan Midgets 1/5
Composite Materials The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes 1/5

this SHOULD be right but please ping me if it isn’t

I don’t care that much, honestly this game has been more of a side thing. As for the reads things that because most of them are from memory as other than like the 6 or so I sent to Wazza before I havent really thought about it to much. Honestly thought EoD was tomorrow

Apex is on Solar RN

Like FM is getting to a point where the fun is barely there for me. Like idk I was tempted to not join but like I was like I really want to do one more and see if it sways me

Wait that’s accurate

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/vote Italia

Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Society Gamers, Solar Opposites 2/5
Solar Opposites :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:, The Apex Legends 2/5
Italia Composite Materials, Society, Dangan Midgets 3/5
Composite Materials The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes 1/5

even if you are scum I don’t think I can get you lynched today even if I tried so you are pretty much off the hook today. However if you don’t step up later in the game I hope people look at you much closer then they are doing right now.

Since we are so close to end of day, I want to say that I think Italy should be the lynch. It is apparent that both of their heads don’t want to participate in this game, and I think that’s more indicative of them being wolf. There is a chance that they are a villager, and in that case I want everyone to pretty much re-evaluate their reads in the chance that I die because that means there is two active wolves in the game.

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Totally agree

I was about to also vote them but then I remembered lmao.

if orange is scum it’s probably dat/orange

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