Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I accused your read of being fabricated, not unexplained. You explained some parts, yeah, but the end conclusion was “well this could also be a villager sure but gut scum” which is like textbook scum

But where exactly do I say you didn’t explain it

That’s multiple paragraphs of explaining why I think your explanation is bad, not just saying you don’t have one.

No, you said this part, not explained it. The buzzword-y “bad faith” and the “well it could be town but I gutread it scum” are the only parts you didn’t explain, and I barely even commented on them.

Honestly I’m much more upset at your lack of explaining anything I called out in my first response than I am in the initial wall

Literally right back at you? If you think “lol bad faith” does anything I’m at a loss

I’m pretty sure he never actually said anything about why this was - how do you know he’s right for sure? Seems like a leap to me, especially given I really don’t think actively choosing to put them there is at all inherently town, and you even brought up the fact he was your pr read again later in the day. I can’t see the logical throughline connecting trying to hide a PR in your nulls and then deciding to just bring it up again later on.

this isn’t even a good take when I was actively postcapping myself

If I was going to try and drown out the thread why would I do that

I can easily hit multiple hundreds in a day, and I have done that on purpose before for sure

But you can’t really say I’m drowning out the thread when not only have I limited myself, but I’ve also spent a large chunk of my posts actively trying to engage with people that just won’t

I call illogical things illogical

This isn’t illogical but the reason I don’t really believe you is you have seen me be literally way more hyper-aggressive as town before and it lead to the death of half of your team by mid-D2

fmpov it really looks like you’re trying to prevent that from happening again and if you aren’t I’ma need to to actually look at what I said about your slot and start figuring out how to explain your thoughts

We also called you out on it, so if you honestly think you’re scum you’re gonna need to rectify that one :man_shrugging:

fwiw I think the answer is less “we’re town” and moreso that calling that out is objectively beneficial from any angle but SvS

tl;dr starting to get real tired of people not just responding to my issues with them and instead providing unhelpful blanket statements

@DatBird Do this again. Now without AtEing and out of game excuses

Help wallpost

I’m sick of no one trying to solve my slot. It’s making fm boring

oh good you’re here

please actually respond to my thoughts this time

out-of-hand dismissing them looks real bad ngl

The great Mobius Wallpost version 2.0
@clonedcheese again pls do not post it in our classcards first

i don’t understand your posts and your points
there i said it

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I think that’s because people don’t know how to approach your slot, which is why a lot of people use meta to read you

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dude they have like 100 posts

like you go on these lengthy explanations and you write them and it’s fine but like
i don’t get how they influence your read
at all
you just say it’s a thing
you don’t say if you think it’s wolfy or not and that confuses me

100 posts of 0 content from Italy and like 0 posts from Amelia

i mentioned in passing that i didn’t remember playing with orange when he was a villager and so him bringing up fire emblem fates which was like 2 years ago doesn’t help me whatsoever

you know what

I’ll save it for tomorrow

there’s no way I’m reading 300 posts before EoD

no they’re definitely a lean but I’m still up on them as of this post

85 posts from Italy
40 posts from Amelia
take at least the 5 seconds to iso them lul


what an impression number



help i just woke up typing hard

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Where is my other daughter? :eyes: