Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Potential teams that fit that bill:

Lolcats (Vulgard heroing us nulls this, though)
Apex Legends (Vote was on Opposites during lynch, though)
Paragons of Cloneds (This is the team I think I want to focus on)

Less vicious than here or F11, all of them

I know but like if they are scum Iā€™m gonna be extremely disappointed in them ngl

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I was going to vote italy to be angry about not skipping night

but N.1 can go ahead with the non-memey stuff

Which one. Name it.
Or give flavor which was used.

i expect another big wallpost soon Mobius @clonedcheese
The one slot you claimed to be incapable of reading is dead.

No what do you think on the eevee read, have you two discussed it? Do u agree?

Actually, should we just no lynch until we find all the scum

Why is N1 still tunneling Eevee

I think heā€™s slow if he hasnā€™t figured it out

Or like clear all the town

Thatā€™s a lot of work

Scums gonna refuse to skip night just to be dicks

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N.1 didnā€™t read any of my hydra games imo. Lmao.

can we just find towniest and just reduce the poe with lynch?

now that I think about it we do clear people by lynching them as well

N.1 is in complete town meta but I could be missing something on a dumb meta read

I do agree
thereā€™s a reason why Iā€™m not objecting anywhere

not much outside of whatā€™s been discussed publicly has been discussed in private

Italy: :eyes:

I did
But i have no reason to provide you with any evidence when you refuse to provide any evidence for yourself over and over again


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