Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Are we the only 2 with a discord group omegalul

Poor arete

I legit did that with the idea of trying to get a read on you lmao

heā€™s basically right

Why would you stop the conflict to get a read on someone?

i was close to very blatantly slipping as JK but chloe was scared that the real one would CC us

i told her nobody was that dumb except italy
but i also thought the JK was italy



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Because N was already an easy read and generating conflict between me and you made it easier to read you

was i really that convincing



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@N.1 what was your problem this game with Eevee

Like that was down right rude

Why would you read me if you were scum tho? :thinking:

Wir sollen Deutsch sprechenā€¦ except that itā€™s against the rules.

Cloned is right
I did get traumatized by F11

As town the point would be to fight you if youā€™re scum but in the moment I was hoping I could see how riled up youā€™d get and figure out if you were a pr from that

Unfortunately you just dipped

no it was more that i had mentally cleared half of the players as being JK

Half of those posts are one word



Sorry for my push on you eevee
I really believed in that moment that you faked it
I got myself into deathtunnel mode ^^

he didnā€™t defeat his fears, he just let his fear control his game

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can confirm