Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

anyway we’ve already solved the game :joy_cat:

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I have something else to add to my ted talk

Wazza also V but he’s bad at acting

now thank you for coming to my ted talk

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It has nothing to do with Katze being hard to read. Scum don’t slip with words nearly as often as town do. This is a fact.

Marshal pointed out the slip with me, and we both got an explanation that matches up. Marshal could easily push that…so could I. Thats a good agenda-push on a wordslip, but that’s not why I’m here. And clearly…neither is Marshal.

Dude I ain’t dumb that’s why I’m pretending to act.

The whole point of saying that was just to see who’s dumb in this game.

this is hte most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I know, that’s why I never questioned the intent of your push. You’re not as hard to read as you think.

all too relatable :sleepy:


Society is voting Gamers :ok_hand:


so when i flip scum this game will you retract this statement? :joy_cat:

katze W

I’ve been reading your interactions :clown_face:


wait no how

get rekt

So what you’re saying is you think that scum!Marshal would have called it a scumslip like an hour into the day and proceeded to try and push Gamers to a mislynch, but because he didn’t do that he’s likely town?

I mean, I’m 40/60 on you so ill just put the numbers down to like 35/65

tell eevee to put my posts through his AI thingy i wanna see what happens

Or not pointed it out at all.

out of curiousity which games have you properly read me?

im p sure you town read me in FoL24 and ToS Mafia, both the scumgames i played with you

and uh… i dont remember any games where we were both town except mountainous which you did correctly read me on

/vote @eevee_bot

probably town