Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I’ve given up on ever being able to socially read eevee

don’t get pocketed by Priestess :^)

also if you think someone is a PR or a wolf they’re usually a wolf

Could have also attacked the JK target to implicate two nights of no kill I’m jailed person

hey man it worked

You were the only vote on us that had any reason for thinking we were scum that was explained in-thread and valid

well gg, we did it. Great partner

@Arete or other ppl

thoughts for me?

disregard the fact that I was I think the lowest poster in the game

if you think someone is a doctor they are mafia

i should just staple that to my forehead


that is way harder to predict tho

My head combined was the lowest poster

I mean yeah

but like

“Everyone jail the same person”

Would be funny if Datbird died

he still could have! that was an option!

But ya know
There’s reasons for that

everybody: jail DM
DM: not jailed, not JK


That was literally why I said I’m disappointed in him :stuck_out_tongue:

Both I and Italy understood the rule change wrong. We thought we CANT no-kill n2

dude I was so mad because if they were scum we just outright won

To be fair it’s okay as we town read that slot at EOD

just so you know

It’s easier to lynch town then to lynch scum also applies to jailing scum

post more

I don’t actually super remember anything notably good or bad from you in particular

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think more about vanilla dynamics

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