Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

which can help when im town in small games lmao
@Vulgard said my slot could clutch this game
and he was right it did

but i maintain my stance to never play in a game over 20 again

I’m not sure misclearing DM is something you should credit yourself with, considering that could have very easily lost the game

Clutch can include luck too

fair enough

cough rand cough

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It should be

Probably would still see Eevee/FK dead next night

Italy absolutely should have nokilled N2

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There is zero reason not to have done so tbh

If italy had nokilled N2, I would have buried eevee


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the most pro-wincon thing your slot did was being obvious town

(which, to be clear, is significant!)


Then he would have killed you

That’s a very winnable gamestate

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Also would have helped had he followed the veritable instruction manual I gave him on “how to prove you aren’t scum with Solar after they flip”



It wasn’t guaranteed

It never is

But in combination with lynching Composites and killing you it absolutely could have worked

Step 1: Play Game




Also funny coming from you :stuck_out_tongue:


I maintain your reads on Gamers/lolcat are nonsensical and divorced from reality

That was not bs

Hey I did play game, just not here :no_mouth:

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