Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

also my second-to-last scum game I put myself into a tie as the last scum with a self-vote, won the roll, and almost got away with it :frowning:

Mafia Scum is also good @Aelin

I’m banned from MU permanently but on Mafia Scum I’m Banned until May 11th then I’m back on Mafia Scum Baby!

fwiw MS is overall pretty different

Most of the MS faithfuls I know have not been fans of where the site has gone over the past few years :man_shrugging:

Then again

That’s not exactly new

could you add me to scum chat

No :man_shrugging:

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Missed that while scrolling through
my b

the problem I had when deciding what to do about it is that there’s not really a way to prove whether or not it had happened?

what happened

If it changed ‘public’ information like what a post said or when it was sent that would be against the rules in the same manner as a false quote

Eevee made a scummy quicklynch attempt
Forged a screenshot to justify it, pretending there was a bug in the EoD time
I called it out
Eevee insisted it being not fake, and everyone believes Eevee of course, which in the end was probably one part of the reason why I got lynched on that day lul
(Which even still made people after the game think that I was breaking the angleshooting rules reeeee)

it’s literally just changing it client side lol

Yea its not hacking dw

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like even i could do that lol

And I don’t think we have any rules against false quoting, have we?

we do, actually (if the false quote is created using the quote feature)

the problem is that editing a screenshot of the EoD timer could only be proven to have happened if the person admitted it, and in general it’s a bad idea to have rules that can only be enforced if the people who break them admit to doing so

I don’t think it had much impact on the result of the game, but…
Yea, don’t do it
(and if someone tries to come again with a ominous screenshot quote, just don’t believe them 4head)

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This game was fun but short lmao

The game was short but fun