Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Don’t you dare call Doja an abomination

Right @KyoDaz

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Alright time to delete possessed

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what did i just open the thread to

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Be merciful




Wait did you really recognize those anime tidds?

Who are you asking that?


Sakujo the female anime character? Idk


It means Delete/Eliminate.




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By popular request, mediocre endgame flavor:


After a long day of discussion, the village finally gathered to discuss their findings. They hoped that they could end this that day; none of them wanted to lose any more of their friends like they had lost katze and Chloe. One of the guards frowned, glancing slightly at his partner. Both of them remembered finding the pair of bodies in the town square.

“So, does anyone have anything to report?” asked the first guard.

A young scholar, Vulgard, stepped forward, his link partner Derps by his side. "Based on our research, we believe that Italia is the most likely to form the second half of our pair of criminals.

Are you sure? sent Derps

Vulgard shook his head slightly. No, but we have to try something, and this is our best bet.

Off in one corner, four others stood quietly whispering, the town’s Mayors and a pair of builders. At last, the two builders broke away and rejoined the group. “As the town’s guards,” said one of the builders, we believe that Possessed and sulit are the most likely criminals. They claim to represent society – but we don’t necessarily think that’s true."

Sulit narrowed her eyes at the builder, but Possessed pulled her back. They exchanged a glance, and she nodded.

One of the guards looked at the other guard, who gave him a sharp glance and shook his head. We know they’re trustworthy. Trust their plan .

“I don’t know,” said another. “I think what Vulgard and Derps are saying makes sense.” He turned to the child with him. “What do you think, son?”

His son nodded emphatically. “That sounds right to me!”

“I don’t know if this is right…” said another, a teenager. “Everyone thought me and DatBird were criminals until Chloe and katze died while we were locked in our house. I think people are suspecting them just because they’re doing nothing.”

“Well, that’s kind of the problem,” said one of the guards. “We’ve done far more than they have, and everyone knows that we’re not the sort of elite detectives that some of the rest of you are.”

“Do you have anything to say for yourselves?” asked the apprentice builder.

Italy and Universal paused.

What do we tell them–

I don’t think there’s anything we can tell them–

But we can make sure that we don’t give away the rest of our network, at least–

Italy passed Universal a capsule. They glanced at each other one final time.

“You won’t take us alive,” said Italy, swallowing a capsule.

“So you’re confessing?” said the elder builder.

“We might die, but we’ve made our point,” said Universal.

“Your point sucks,” said Vulgard. “Your point is, what, ‘sometimes people murder each other for no reason’? That’s a terrible point!”

“Not as terrible as the fact that none of you will ever trust each other again!” said Italy.

“On the contrary,” said DatBird, as Italy and Univeral doubled over and collapsed. “Now I know that even in times of crisis, I can trust all of these people.” He gestured around the circle. “I may not have been able to trust you, but I trust them, and that’s what really counts.”