Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

wow orange

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And no

You got rejected

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This discussion is really like “hey, mislynching hurts” - from someone who got regularly mislynched
Resident “I’m never getting mislynched” and “I love mislynching others” are telling me that mislynching doesn’t hurt
Stupid topic, I go sleep

But no one has said it dosent hurt


You make it sound like we are monsters

They just said you can learn something from it too


it’s ‘mislynching makes me sad’ from someone who got regularly mislynched

and then ‘actually, I learned from getting mislynched’ from the person who used their experience getting mislynched to improve so that it stopped happening, and ‘I also learned from getting mislynched (even though it hurts)’ from someone who gets regularly mislynched

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but if you got mislynched in every single game over a long period of time… its just disheartening and not helping in any way. Believe me

If you get regularly myslynched chances are you’re doing something wrong and should look back and see what you can do to fix it

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@anon97870008 please show me where someone said I love mislynching others, I’m never getting mislynched, and mislynches doesn’t hurt.

See, that’s what I said
But the answer was just “Priestess is always scummy” :wink:
And it still is
But I developed a decent town play over time, so it’s better to not lynch me immediately

I feel kinda bad for saying this but

Just don’t be scummy

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Like sounds stupid but if you’re not scummy you don’t get myslynched

I wish it would be so easy ^^

See I think part of your issue is your attitude twords it. You think it’s too hard or not possible so you don’t end up fixing it. Saying “I wish it was that easy” or the like isn’t an excuse

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And I mean if it was easy then FM wouldn’t be very entertaining…it’s kinda the point of the game

I’m not angry at you or so
But this is exactly like telling an autistic woman “just behave normal”
You can try, if you know how
But if you can’t give an instruction how, it doesn’t help

Like I think everyone has problems with this, but I think it’s really lazy to discredit all discussion about this by twisting what other people say. You may not like being mislynched, but have you ever actually looked at what happened and actually tried to change how you go about the game?

Or rather, did you look at what you done and concluded that you did nothing scummy and thus changed nothing. If it’s the later, I think you are missing something and that’s do you being biased with your own play.


See that’s the thing no one can tell you how to do it because everyone plays different, the point is you need to look at why people scumread you and work on not doing those things again

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