Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

/Vig Dat

/put on BP vest

What do you like about it?
What specifically did they say that stood out to you?

I can’t remember who’s hydraing with who

There is an OP

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Anyways don’t like dat ATM


What kinda nerd reads op

what about me by chance?

gamer nerds


Can you elaborate?



Btw has anyone of you played this Jailkeeper JK9 setup already?

I think this is my first time playing a setup this small

This take in particular I liked. Didnt realize Eevee was also doing half of it, but these posts along with the read on me seemed pretty decent. As I kinda put barely any effort into SOD as I’ve been a bit preoccupied with family and work

I played something similiar called JOAT 9. the joat could invest and jailkeep. So technically the pr was stronger there

Could you link me that one?


Chloe, how many cat pics are in your chat