Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

@anon97870008 which would triumph? An immovable object, or an unstoppable force?

they’re the same thing

they would shroom through eachother

The object
Cant move what dont want to be moved
If anything wants to move me, they need lots of willpower and my consent
Else Im just staying where I am

I see. Very informative, thank you. @anon97870008

And you, too, @sulit.

clearly you can’t read jokes.

@DatBird get here I need some happiness before I commit anger

@Wazza which weighs more: A bag holding a pound of bricks, or a bag holding a pound of feathers?

I guess for you theres mostly one thing to know about Orange and me
We are a natural dissonance
Our slot is the unlikeliest thing to ever happen
Somewhere between respect, hate, and broken vows to not play FM/on this site anymore

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Is Orange your hydra partner?

Depends what you test it on.

Test it with gravity, they weigh the same.
Test it by dropping it on a fucking child, the bricks because the bricks can actually kill the child.

ya hello, Wazza ur the best hyrda member i could ask for

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Actually, a single brick on average weights about 6 pounds. Therefore, 1 pound of bricks is actually only a sixth of a brick. I doubt that would dispatch the child, so I might suggest some additional force… and a good lawyer.

Nah trust me, if I can punt a child I can kill it with 1/6th of a brick.

Yes. OP is your friend

Player List:

  1. Reinforced_Concrete and Asphalt_Concrete (Composite Materials)
  2. katze and Chloe (Gamers)
  3. Marshal and SirDerpsAlot (:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:)
  4. N.1 and clonedcheese (The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes)
  5. Italy and Amelia (Italia)
  6. sulit and Possessed (Society)
  7. DryBones and 0B L1ght (The Apex Legends)
  8. Wazza and DatBird (Dangan Midgets)
  9. orangeandblack5 and Priestess (Solar Opposites)

thank god you’re here.

Well… I got class for roughly the next three hours so will be back then i guess.

Ah, are they the one with the duality pfp? I remember them.

but i got like 20 mins til then