Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

can we stop pretending this was a real slip

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It looked like it FMPoV. Sue me.

Not yet. Probably later


my mother is a priestess of law i wouldnā€™t go here

Are these two posts literally from the same hydra :thinking:

I know my rights :rage:

Yes I am just a different person than possessed is

Sulit balances me.

Iā€™m angry, sheā€™s docile. It works!

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in mafia academy i played under the impression that having different reads to your hydra partner was stupid and suspicious

i have since evolved and now think that having any reads at all are stupid that naturally, two people are going to view things differently; itā€™s not like masons share identical reads

This is my daughter
Lets send her to MU championship


Why would you have thought its suspicious to begin with? Iā€™d translate opposite reads to mean more about the individual players than the alignment they rolled.

because i was new and stupid

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your grammar are stupid


ok ok I stop

i mean

i donā€™t know if i consider myself a new player anymore

i guess in comparison im like the 3rd newest player here, i think? but eh, im a gamer i donā€™t need handicaps

but yes i am stupid

although idk how long cloned has been playing and i forgot to consider light

so maybe 5th

regardless, calling myself new is just another way of self justification for bad plays and thus i donā€™t want to consider myself new

You are? I thought youā€™ve been in FoL longer than me

my first FoL was FoL24

You might have more games than I
But weā€™ll see that when @N.1 does his library iso stuff on me

Wait, self-justification for being bad? Sign me up!