Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

wrong link lol
correct link: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfm-vanilla-mafia-mafia-mafia-tm-serial-killer-win-wait-who/79678

can still view ISO from the OP

(Who are all, coincidentally, not the players Eevee, Orange or firekitten in this game)

Okay, I think FK fucked up, so we gonna try again.

Sorry lads for this, butā€¦ yeah.

We are trying to put actual reads here and went of course too much.

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Like this quote

is very good example of

Trying to control the game narrative, by pulling the topic back onto reads without offering any of their own.

N.1 probably wouldnā€™t be able to find all my games tbh

Yeah but then why do they snap on possessed

On an off topic note, I feel seriously terrible right now with my mind and thatā€™s probably because I forgot to take my medicine this morning so I feel unmotivated as shit so Iā€™m probably going to disappear for the night


this is fine

im sure as hell going to try
i know youā€™ve played on Mafia451, Chief Delphi, and HyPixel

okay except

  1. did you read my posts after this :unamused:
  2. trying to encourage people to talk about the game as opposed to off topic things is a bad thing now???
  3. i rarely provide many reads earlygame this isnā€™t new
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Iā€™ve played on about 4 more sites than those

NUF, MC, possibly MU
yeah youā€™re right Iā€™m going to miss some


actually more than 4

it doesnā€™t matter
Iā€™ve played in a lot of places lmao


Why are you limiting the amount you post orange

jesus fuck lmao

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also wrong link
correct link: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-00-the-alternative-universe-game-thread-cult-wins/78458
can still view ISO from the OP tho



you should be scared

i am inevitable, mobius