Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

How would we have 5000 posts in an hour

Dont tell him about fol

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I’ll take a Vanilla Coke if you’ve got one

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Ongoing game :newspaper_roll:

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why do you think this

and what did you and orange talk about

yeah that’s why I didn’t want to backup

they be calling for backups but

9000 posts are scary

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oh sorry that was ritual

FoL has like 15000 posts wtf

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Corona ups post count
Corona best slankvig


I can’t get used to you using Italy’s icon

We still can’t believe it’s not butter

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Im swapping back to mine when im at pc cuz i keep wanting to reply to myself and tell kat to shut up

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have italy change his pfp

I feel like hydras should have slightly altered versions of their team icon

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Of which we don’t have

bye ima go practice
have fun memeing

hi guys

i hardclaim cop with a n0 check on society


wait chloe why’d you spoil that surprise

hydra dissonance is strong

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I hard claim confused emissary day/night full cop

download (1)


why is nobody else providing seer cover?

bunch of level 0 players, smh