Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Gladly. I’d much rather prefer to get all of the facts before making a decision.


i beleive he has tonal differences in these games

to be fair the ease of use of discourse’s UI is something that tempts many to make tons of posts all of which are entirely valueless

we need to start combatting that much more fiercely than we have recently on this site

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Can u point the difference out

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Any explanation on what those differences are and how they relate to this game would be appreciated.


one step at a time y’all

geez you seem really hungry to yell at me at any point you can

Nah I do the same thing on MU games

You’re being purposefully and intentionally difficult so I don’t know why you’d expect anything else


You know what, if y’all gonn be like this I just won’t make any effort other than gut this game

/vote :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: harder

boo fucking hoo

Actually, no, he has a point. Seth does seem to acting very differently from what I read of that first match to this one. The only reason I can give is possibly inactivity? I don’t know him well enough to discern his thought patterns, unfortunately.

ya know what actually same

So normal scum and town gameplay from derps

Marshal is obviously working on it and y’all are just being dicks lmao

what are we at?


And we are obviously waiting in the meantime why dont u do shit

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honestly idc where were at

/vote :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

Selfvote very towny /s

It’s all hypocrisy until you change your pfp and start playing the game rather than throwing out thoughts and hoping you can back them up later while flagrantly ignoring a simple request by every player in the game to make your slot less difficult to read