Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I don’t think Eevee photoshopped it

First of all, I don’t actually have photoshop.

I would use Gimp.



Oh ohohohoh

well we asked areet

the response was “It’s not a modkillable offense, and had it been one, it would be very hard to enforce”

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Anyone know what this means


Wish I could explain myself better with things Tbh.

eevee must be livid at FK in their hydra chat RN
“are you trying to get us modkilled??”

actually lol he totally photoshopped it

I don’t know what it means, I assume it means he only edited the red box

For this image I used paint to be exact.

Pleading guilty then

you can type words in paint?

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Going to make a screenshot of a regular post to see what happens

I mean, I pled guilty to cropping out the image and adding the red box.
I got multiple screens, pasting screenshot of all of them would be… unwise at least?

So yeah, I did use paint.
But didn’t edit any text in it.

/vote Composite Materials


Even if they did fake it why does it matter


please send file directly without uploading to discourse, by way of google drive link for instance

I trust that you didn’t edit that

But I’ve had too many people do it to me


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