Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

You were laboring under the misapphrehension that this was

Cause theres technically 9 slots so 5 is majority as hydras vote together. And its mainly RVS as no ones given a reason to vote

Dat has more than 5 posts locktown /Unvote

Haven’t seen anything interesting yet
and I’d like to discuss every read first with my partner, who’s in school rn

hell yeah now i can stop posting

Why are they in school

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Okay now you go next to the gangster

last time you tried discussing things with your hydra partner you two fought in thread and then got lynched D1

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people are going to mistake us for eachother a lot

Dont move me next to Ici. Hes big and scary

Whats that?

actually they’re just gonna mistake amelia for me

it was worth it we won in the end

Random Voting Stage

Random Voting stage

Random and meme votes to start generating content

yes, but I was said I didnt get to use DatBird powers, also he caught me at 4am and i was braindead

Votee Voted by Votes
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: Society, The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes 2/5
Society Composite Materials 1/5

In Mafia Academia I didn’t even talk with PKR out-of-thread :eyes:

That game was a mess for the scumteam except for astand

/vote Apex Legends