Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Did everyone die you all left at like the same time


Why is this the first post I see after lunch


Uhm, what.

My point is that you wanted to get information of N.1 slot, but stopped pushes on them.

What that has anything to do with me and where?

My Bad.
I apologies.

Why would you constantly push this if you actually believe this

Iv said it twice because I was pressured into it

That and my logical is extremely difficult to completely clarify to the point someone actually understands it.

I’m just getting Scummy vibes from DatBird/Wazza Team.
Although again as I said before it’s only Day 1.

i definitely wasn’t asleep for 12 hours and then had to rush through everything i had to do :eyes:

Hi Italy

youve been redchecked

i hardclaim mafia miller

oh that makes sen–

wait a second


This made me laugh thanks

@Vulgard has replaced in for Marshal as the second head of the :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: hydra

As always, don’t discuss replacements.


i am locktown

forgot the :joy_cat:

are we still selfvoting? side note: i’m mostly caught up with the thread. might not remember the most minute details but i generally know wtf’s going on

i have never thought i would see this title next to my avatar
it’s disgusting but i also kinda like it