I’m MathBlade. Ask me anything forum appropriate

Actually it would flood the entire USA

Which ocean?



which ocean should I choose? What if I wanted to make it so every USA part is flooded but New York

Indian or Arctic Ocean

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Use the Pacific Ocean.

That would flood the entire United States extremely easily and more

Why don’t people just like

live in Antarctica

Yeah, but im on Australia, so…
It would cause a drought. Damn it.

like it’s free land

Can someone just like claim the land? How does it work

Because Antartica is the only continent where man cannot survive on.

aussie aussie oi oi

p sure its agreed between nations thats nobody can claim Antarctica to preserve its natural state for research

With enough fancy equipment it’s possible

Can’t you just wear really warm clothes and survive there?

It requires constant upkeep and is negative on returns.

Aka unsustainable. Which is why nobody lives there outside of research.

It’s collectively owned by a group of countries?

Should i change my icon to something more Aussie?

  • Change your icon to something Australian
  • Change your icon.
  • Keep your icon.

0 voters

why are people using it as a research place

What about food?

Be you!

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do you know how clothes work