I’m MathBlade. Ask me anything forum appropriate

Already did



at home?

Did Victor commit unreasonable harm to Monster in Frankenstein?


I didn’t read Frankenstein so…

Oh lmao I thought you said that you already posted a question here

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pls spare me

Have you ever murdered a person or see someone murdered?

Only if you study

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OH SHIT you are right


no thanks


thats a dumb dumb

Have you ever watched and/or read any Anime/Manga?
If so, what was it?

What do you think needs improving most in your town game?

After work.

And yes it is.

I sue mathblade for copying @Alice.

I is true
II is unclear if you mean sqrt(2) <10 sqrt(2)^5
Or sqrt(2) < 10 sqrt(2^5)

Second should be true either way
III is 98 < 1/2 which is false
IV is 5
5sqrt(5) < 10 * 10 * sqrt(10)
So IV should be true

This is assuming I am reading them right

Sorry I am interested in someone.