I’m MathBlade. Ask me anything forum appropriate

But you wouldn’t have magic.

Earth 2.0…

In the universe I chosen I would automatically get it because there is magic particles that go through the human body charging them with magic

check mate

And now in my ask me anything people build countries. This is Math land dammit

But that would change your cell makeup, and maybe give you cancer.

well this thread. got OFF TOPIC


ba dum tish


im here all week

It’s the universe with the exact same type of humans as me just with magic particles and they aren’t affected by it. There’s infinite number of universes so this has to be one of them

There’s a universe where everyone got magic and things were fun and then they died.

not this one :slight_smile:

I thought it was make countries land :thinking:

Wherever my gf or if we ever break up (I hope not) I would probably say where I am.

There are infinite universes, because when you make a choice, there’s a world where you didn’t make that choice. So how can magic be brought into the world through our choices?

Unsupported premise

And even if accurate when you get into the realm of alternate universes relevancy comes into play because even if it exists if we can’t communicate with it and can’t inpact it does it matter?

Ah but there’s also another theory of Infinite possibilities

There are infinite possibilities. But magic isn’t one of them.

How do you know that :upside_down_face: