I42 Hunger Games 3987348 again

District 4, huh? Fishnets Confirmed OP.


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Lightsin with that last place.

  • Rerun
  • Destiny already arrived

0 voters

Also no rest for the weary.

modern warfare intensifies

At least I am not 4th place :grin:

Worst part was I got lynched

bet 9/10 solic started that deathtunnel

Mista intensifies

However don’t start, this link is just a mirror to the game I hosted
To generate a new game, go on edit cast, don’t make any changes and click on “Submit”
it will refresh the seed

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I can tell solic alignment based on your aligment

What were you?

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Oh so Solic was probably blue dragon ngl

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I was actually Reaper with a weakness to wood.

Oh so you were exed by Prince?

Just jokes


I wish, would’ve gotten to see that nice dungeon

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Magnus will host now guys

Nuuu. Doesn’t work at school.
