I42 Hunger Games 3987348 again

Like a ‘you’re a good player?’ Concede?

i dont want to deal with the game going on longer than it should have concede button

All of the remaining survivor died when they anonymously voted for concede and it count for sacrifices for the killer :thinking:

Can you only do it during collapse?

We could suggest it to BHVR if you want to.

And…that is just my imagination of what it could be if that is implemented.

And why did this thread became DBD discussion thread .-.

since we renamed it.

u know?

Am I late?

no? you wanna do it boss?

oh boss? Endgame spoiler here.


Thanos forgot to pay his life insurance

It isn’t a legit spoiler.

is so!

Tomato monster kill Magnus

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“tomato monster kill magnus.”
sorry, when a spoiler is read it loses its power.

Wha- @Boss110 was that the actual post or did he make it up?

actual post. i can see through the blur.

Click on the blur message to read it

i actually didnt do that. i didnt even know you could.

You learn new things everyday

in the notification it said your post.