I42 Hunger Games 3987348 again

I feel like doing something like that. Would you like to do a Turbo TMP soon?

On discord :thinking:

Eh, school is interfering my ability to play in the forum.

Timezone is also a problem.

But maybe I will be free on Saturday/Sunday.

I’m never free as much on weekends lol. And by Turbo I mean maybe 10 minutes or shorter questions.

Hmm…I think I could :thinking:

PM me the set up for the game and I will attempt to make it myself :eyes:


I think I’m going to run it

Using the same ppl from the most recent run of this game

No one invited meeee


Anyone up for a game?

Just spent a good while putting together this template: http://brantsteele.net/hungergames/r.php?c=iNG5xEL1

Yeah. Let’s do it. 24 people?

I set it up with 48

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It’s the most recent build that someone else did
Only I added images.

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Add everyone you can think of.

I did.
48 is the max

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I already set up the template

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As per the link above

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I want to be district 2 or 8.

When can you start?