Icibalus is dead wrong

Fight me.

It should be bitter to feel like a burden

Pretty sure he’s JUST dead


Change the title to “Icibalus is dead.”

Don’t ask why


Oh fuck you already said it


wait what’s the joke

that i killed ici


Icibalus are you still among us

Nope. Hell check the ToL discord server. You will notice that he isn’t there, cuz he’s dead

Yes I noticed he left the server

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Ici hen, dw about it. I’m sure you aren’t that annoying.

All teenagers are marked with the curse of low self esteem, my son. Every single one.

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I remember that feeling too well :^)

Alexa how to get over it

This is too true.

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Is your avatar Ana

what are you talking about I was confident as fudge

Wait aren’t you a teenager

Im 20 Whis :^)

God I swear you were 15 or 16