Idea - ButterFly effect

Completely agree.

One Unique is fine.
When we get into everyone’s a PR haha territory you shouldn’t have PR PRs

Do you actually want to go through and delete 5000 Litten posts followed by 2000 Hjasik posts?

I didn’t think so

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Delete their account

But no

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I’m offended

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Still. I wanna do this.

Well don’t be surprised when it dosen’t get through review considering THREE out of the four FoL team members have said it’s unbalanced before even seeing all the details.


Perhaps this:

  1. Converts count as a barrier: so if a Hunter kills someone and is the new converted and lynched, everything before the convert remains?

If I can’t handle a setup then I shudder to think what Eevee would do

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Come on. It’s a unique idea. It could work.

Not if it literally doesn’t make sense

Basically lynched players are deleted, removing their impact on the game previously. Removes their heals, attacks, everything except converts basically.
Invests don’t change anything.

This is my problem.
It’s too townsided if the Assassin (or someone) survives until d4 because they played well and gets punished significantly harder than one that was outed d2

That’s surface level problems

And if you remove attack And converts it will be scumsided

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Pretty much

Well, can’t assassin commit suicide?

I’ll add a suicide mechanic for evils only.

Sounds like WIFOM to me

No idea what that is.