Then they aren’t being Killed by the mafia
Also the NK isn’t mafia and can be dealt with at your leasure since once you eventually get to killing him his victims are revived
omg lol
2 town 1 sk
Sk is lynched
Half the game is revived
They’re still dead.
Lynchees can’t be revived.
JailKeeper kills 3 evils.
JailKeeper gets lynched.
Jailkeeper doesn’t work like that
How does it work, then?
actually, I’ll check mafia universe.
And Jailor (an entirely different role that DOES work like that) is like super confirmable.
Heal and occupy target player
can we not have a jailer in every setup
Remember. This isn’t ToL, the BD isn’t braindead
Brain Dead
random role madness? that’s fine.
You wanna cohost such madness?
What’s your suggested setup?
Would you prefer Town/mafia or Blue Dragon?
Eh depends. Is this SFoL?
The BD is a faction with associated roles. The town isn’t one.
Well, which is more balanced?
If you choose BD there WILL be converts (although to make it fair the converts can’t be refunded.)
Give them a different wincon that doesnt involve killing the whole town?
Neither. They are templates. I’m not making the choice for you