I'm Alice. Ask me anything

I’m pretty toxic, that’s for sure.

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Hi it’s me Boss110




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I have a lot of memes downloaded on this phone I can combat all your lies even though I cry :sob:


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If you could change one thing in this world, which would it be?

Ok so I have a question for you Alice, what is the best way to kill Hjasik?

If you kill H_Hjaisk he just recarniates, we know this because memesky left


We need to find a way to make Memesky join Alice game!

it’s super annoying to have to say he or she why can’t we just make a gender neutral word that isn’t they

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no I refuse to call anyone that

Why not they though

cause I unconsciously write he and I don’t unconsciously write they

The english language is like the blade in three ways:

It can cut deep when wielded with competence.

It appreciates pageantry.

And like the blade it does not care for gender.

Are you high?


Although to be fair I haven’t gotten any sleep in a good while. Homework is my favorite.

You sure on the first one? Pretty sure for something to be true it actually has to be seen.

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