I'm Alice. Ask me anything

Size =/= Significance.



Much wisdom, much grief
the more knowledge, the more sorrow



Seriously read Ecclesiastes, you’ll love it

It’s a guy saying the universe is meaningless over and over again.

We just need a snap

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Yes, but then you will die and eventually be forgotton. Meaning has its limits here.

And thus, meaning has done you no good at all in the long run

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by the way this entire conversation was only continued because I wanted to make a Thanos joke.

oh snap

That has a lot of meaning

Even Nietzsche could come up with a coherent counterargument to this.

I thought you looked up to Nietzche :thinking:

How can universe be meaningless when part of it is meaningful

Sure, Nietzche’s idea of Eternal Recurrence is self-evidently nonsense, but it provides a potential way to provide meaning when all that exists is your own limited existence.

@Marcus_Doodalee do I talk like somebody who looks up to a Nazi?

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The key words are in bold.

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Of course, it’s entirely possible that Hegel was right and all of our ideas are P U N Y compared with his absolute idea.