I'm Alice. Ask me anything

maybe people over 35 are smarter to know they are wasting their times but still

Maybe it’s because there isn’t a lot of news about people running then because they are like nobodies

Either they don’t want to waste their time or they shouldn’t be in the job lel

I’d be a good president

That’s illegal

world would be a better place if people just could agree on things lmao

Unfortunately human psychology prioritizes grouping and an “us vs. them” mentality

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On wich things


People are basically hardwired to never change their minds

orange you should change your name to yellowandblack5


Also wdym by that

Welp guess orange is right

Change you name to orange and orange

For something like 99.9% of humanity’s time on Earth, forming groups and excluding others was the best path for survival and producing offspring.

As such, we’re fighting practically all of human evolution whenever we try to be inclusive or compromise. We have spent almost our entire history focused on ensuring our group is victorious over all others, with our brains focusing on being part of an echo chamber and vilifying those on the other side.

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why is human psychology so interesting

Because you are human

Do you think it’s possible that soon other animals also get smarter and eventually try to create civilizations

No cuz we will eliminate them

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Next closest is dolphins

Unfortunately, they lack both opposable thumbs and fire, so they’re hampered from advancing as a real civilization

Even that would take a very very long time

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