I'm Alice. Ask me anything

Wait I’m thinking of the answer to the ultimate question


That’s not the meaning of life lmao


Well it might be. We are still preforming the calculations for that

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Are you in anyway related to Alice on the TOL discord?

I’m already reminded of this and you ask this Geyde… whyyyyy??

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Also how tall are you?


Honestly I feel out of the loop in regards to what happened back before I joined. :slight_smile:

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How was Wonderland, Alice?
Also I’m australian, so wonderland ain’t so great now!

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Why are the people here so much more toxic than on the discord or ToL itself?


That’s paradoxically a toxic statement itself? :thinking:

Not very nice to say at least.

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illegal move

Wait now I know Why this is toxic
Cuz solic is here to be mean :sunny:

We are?

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News to me lol

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Sorry, I just was very frustrated after same matches about what got said.
Being salty is no excuse for anything.


Oh, like FM matches?

We tend to be pretty honest with how we feel towards each others’ play, especially when we dislike it

However, something like 99% of the time it’s not meant to tear the other person down as much as it can feel like - you inherently put yourself out there when playing FM, and it’s a game with inherent emotional stakes. As such, airing grievances is both a way to release tension from a game, and is an invaluable source of feedback for future games.

We’ve all been on the receiving end of a good rant - if you ever feel somebody is being too hash, I have a feeling saying such will net you an apology, and barring that, a conversation. If you think someone is taking things too far, feel free to appeal to other players or the mods. We’ve definitely laid down the law against people who got too salty before.


Whats up

Over my lifetime? Probably over a dozen at least.

IMO, Brexit was a wake-up call for the EU to get its act together. I like the idea of an economic union with shared passports and whatnot, the issue I had with the EU is that it’s that as of right now the way that it is structured it really chips away at the sovereignty of each individual member, as we’ve seen with Article 13.

Considering the definition of being wet is being covered in water, then water, and any other liquid by extension, is technically dry as it can’t be covered with itself.


I forgot.

I’m for it. The lack of net neutrality can really be devastating in areas where a single or a few companies have a monopoly on ISPs, so there needs to be some restriction on what companies can do regarding something so crucial such as Internet access in the modern world.

Who’s Alice?



I don’t see toxicity here, tbh.

The stratosphere.