Increasing the Chat Window

Hello everyone,

This is Yumeko and i’m talking in term of experience after playing few games on ToL. According to many good reactions from some discord members about my idea, a moderator suggested me to post it definitely in the forum and here i am.

So i’m posting my suggestion :

In the chat window, we should allow the king to write in gold so people can see better his messages (as he’s the king). When people are so talkative in general during the party, it’s hard to see when someone specific is saying something that may be “important” for the game, so maybe using colors can be the way of increasing it.

For example, Unseen members can see their friends chats in purple, Cult members in red, or people can choose to color their mates chats in blue/purple/red (or whatever) if they consider them good/evil by checking a point near their nickname.

What do you think ?


Nice idea, but where would you put that setting? Nobody’s gonna see it in the menu bar, and putting it out in the open semi distracts people.

So Unseen members would see possessed assasin as purple? I feel it would cause more issues. Although it would be useful

@Planterror I have no idea, maybe in the chat options if there is one, or somewhere near the list of 16 players. I think people are responsible to manage these things so…

@Sam17z The possessor is a specific case and is not an unseen so i think it doesn’t apply the rule. But an assassin for example can see his mastermind friend in purple when they play together.

Make unseen/cult teammates color and king color a separate option

Neuts colors!

But then neuts will be auto confirmed…


You apply the colors to them


Neuts out

Noots in BD out.

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while were talking about the chat window, would be nice to have mystic link/conduit be a second window i can see at the same time as regular chatbox

what prompted me to ask for this was i got jailed and prince outed to me while i was conduited with king who thought i was prince, i told king to OE someone and he did, i did not notice Prince had given me his number in jail chat or i would have told king to OE real prince

That’s a fringe case of course but it would still be a nice feature since i’m often analyzing chat to put claims in my log while mystic is tryna talk to me

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