Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

i’m pretty sure i naturally kill braincells when people are nearby me this only became a problem when i started playing constantly

it’s why town does so much better in VFM here than anything else
Sheeping mechanics is our ultimate doom

im pretty sure we’ll start doing better if we just prioritize social reads above everything at all costs everywhere like we do in VFM lol

i have acheived victory at last

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We start spewing fake AtE as town like myself
Fight fire with fire

the perfect exemplification of this lesson is the following post where eevee tried and failed with Mafia Academy to show that something other than The One True Truth could ever work.

Make wolves play worse ez

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im telling ya
the moment people submit to the greatness of ISO and Meta
is the moment and the ONLY moment town will ever start dominating here again.

Over reliance on meta is biggest part of problem.

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I mean usually they just coast and let village destroy itself.

The problem is no one ever legitimately uses meta at all

Iv started trying to do this in some games and yes it does work better

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I think we have different definitions of meta
My definition of meta is ISO’ing people in lots of different games and alignments thoroughly at the same time

Most people here never even ISO in the current game, much less commit to meta

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Oh yeah I agree with that.

Not to mention everyone spamposts now which makes ISO’s valueless and timewasteful

Which is annoying

Tbh PR in Mafia Academy is a good time

The value of one’s iso is important
we need to start trying to commit to stop spamposting garbage in-game, hard.

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The issue N.1 is not everyone has or wants to take hours to go through 10 of someone’s games


Please try to be active. Please don’t deathtunnel others for no reason without letting yourself the chance of reevaluating. Please don’t use selfvote+AtE as your only defense and as excuse for your inactivity.


Like that’s just not fun

that’s not necessary
that’s the perfect extreme
we are currently at the opposite extreme