[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

“the pew pew squad”

What even is a martial class

aight for my last spell heroism or identify

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Depends on what playstyle you’re after

What spells do you have currently?

Charm Person
Detect magic
Speak with animals

also vicious mockery and dancing lights cantrip

I would personally advise you get Healing Word as it’s probably the best healing spell in the game for its level

aight thatll be my last slot

well i suppose ill do a sorcerer then.

Sorcerer’s pretty cool tbh

Some of the metamagic options, when you get to them, are really dope

We got all sorts of magic casters and one shitfaced dude with a lute

in the attacks part what does bonus mean? its +5 for all slots

Which slots?

oh nvm

Oh that’s your attack bonus, it’s probably your strength + your proficiency

healing words cast time is 1 bonus action, what does that mean

So you get one turn per round of combat

Which consists of an action, bonus action, and movement (and reaction but those can be a bit weird)

Most spells and attacks cost an action to use, but Healing Word is great in that it only costs a bonus action, which allows you to attack, or help someone, or cast a cantrip or other things with your action

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alright, its done. if any one of you more experienced folks could take a look at it and let me know if somethings wrong

oh yeah geyde wanted a backstory, ill get on that later today

my characters backstory so far is “travelled from bar to bar for a few years, has seen a lot in his travels and has travelled far. the reason he travelled so much was because he usually got kicked out because of an extremely violent accident involving alcohol”
geyde advised us to cross backstories, so if anyone wants to do that