[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

Requested access

yea did that, ty

Person Race Class
Datbird ??? Warlock
Sog Dwarf Bard
Blue Gnome Wizard
Merc Elf Cleric Paladin
Maxi Tiefling Druid
Simon ??? Sorc

this is what i know so far of our characters

Oh boy

Zero martial characters

Dis gon b gud

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No new people allowed to join unless they also casters. No Martials allowed :stuck_out_tongue:

Rogues are allowed if they promise to become arcane tricksters

Pallys allowed if they only smite

never smite

Only allowed to cast protection and healing spells

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Magic only druids no bows no companion

Druids don’t get companions in 5e

Only Beastmaster Ranger

oh i meant ranger, oof its been 1 of those days

Not sure I can make 6 players work

is arcane trixter a separate class, or just a playstyle?

also, to make things easier i made the steel lutes stats match the great clubs

also, question:
i assume a quarterstaff is normally made of wood and banded with metal, but could i perhaps have a solid steel (or other metal) quarterstaff?

if it comes down to it, I can drop and spectate and help with rules. i dont know if I have the time to help co dm, but I can just spectate if it it comes down to it

It’s a rogue subclass.


if it functions the same way same damage, genuinly it should be fine at most it might cost some gold, but if ur asking for better stats since it made out of metal thats where the price goes up

Ngl I’m asking for one particular reason that’s a strategy that might not end up working. I’m cool if it has the same stats