[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

well run it by geyde remember i aint the host so he might have different rules for that

become a tanky dwarf pls i’m gonna be abused so much cause y’all are fullcasters ;-; :joy:

@Geyde u want a backstory, right?

where do u want me to put it

Just add it alongside your CS

in the excel sheet? or separate doc

Alongside = separate

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@discobot roll 2d8

:game_die: 1, 8

@discobot roll 2d4

:game_die: 1, 4

So @Geyde is this okay, and if so will it cost extra?

nah the cleric has the most hp

That’s illegal.

he rolled an 8 bro

I’m the cleric, fool

oh yeah lmao

so anyone wanna cross backstories or do i just put some generic “got tired of x and went to seek y”

Significantly more.
Also would weigh more.

I’m looking for one of the players to drop and help coDM if possible considering that the party is…high maintenance per se
Party full of casters is a nightmare to keep track of as one guy

good thing i dont plan to be a caster :^)