[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

And if ur proficient u add u proficiency modifier plus ur str or dex for str and dex weapons

By proficient do you mean the proficiency +2 above your actual stats? Or is that used for something else

Yeah that, it raises every 4 levels by 1

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The proficiency bonus is only for the attack roll, not for the damage roll.

So say you had a handaxe and you were level 2, and had a strength of 16.

You would roll to attack, which would be +2 (proficiency bonus) and +3 (strength modifier of +3 at 16 strength), making a total of +5 to your attack roll.

Then, if you hit, you would add the damage die of the weapon (in this case, 1d6) and add +3 (again, strength modifier).

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Yeah u right, it’s been awhile since my last session

Already finished your sheet, Blue?

I currently have an explanation for Maxi being with me, we are travelling together for a year or so
I’ll count that as a yes and begin tagging time in my bg because my elf experienced 3/5 of the most important events in the world

I’m like one personality trait away from a finished cs, i think

u dont have to completely fill the stuff, but i guess it is usually better if you do

@DatBird, u planning on joining or co dming, and what’s ur class/race btw?

Joining now that 6 people is fine. I havent really created a character yet and will go on either team and fill a role probably now that each teams prob need a healer or tank. I was gonna play warlock but idk if that suitable for the team comps anymore

Sheet’s done, I only need to do a backstory.

@BlueStorm roll for Sleight of Hand

Team 2 dude, come on in

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team 1 best team

i got this cool tiefling druid like c’mon i bet you don’t see that every day

ragna simple man
ragna whack baddie with club


I mean blues gonna take the last spot of team 1 (also thieflings suck <3)

I do concur
Thieflings suck

Yeah but that team is like already filled so like how am I supposed to join so like -10 cool points :stuck_out_tongue:

Man of culture

who’s ragna

only ragna i know is ragnarok and i think he left the forums and whatnot a while back