[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

datbird has ragna
ragna will help datbjrd whack baddies


blue is slot 3 i thought?

the character is making who will speak in the third person because fuck you

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Ill hop on your team If thats cool, ragna seems like a good friend to have

I’ll join whatever team fight for my slot on ur team

oh i see

speaking in the third person can be cool

i wonder how it’ll pan out

please join me dat

What team r u

join us

you know you want to

team 2 but im not fully done yet

i’ll claim a team two slot btw

I am committed to pulling off a dwarf accent btw

if you don’t join us geyde will mod kill you in his absurd and crazy clown fiesta fm

Ill yoink a team 2 slot ass well

dat i’ll guve good succ succ no homo if you join us

Knuckles oh no noise plays

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Black Eagles and Blue Lions trying to get Byleth to join them (??? Colorized)

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