[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

Headset on
Knuckles Cracked
Girlfriend none
Yeah, it’s Gamer time


Great power requires great responsibility

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ok i’ll only abuse it sometimes when necessary then :^)

10d6 healing ooc is totally not too much

ok so my day was totally and completely hectic oof here’s a low effort recap of my day in case you wanted to know cause i said i would rant about it even tho i kinda dont want to since it’s gonna take forever just to mash it out but whatever here goes

edit: come to think of it this entire post is probably an incoherent mess


ok so the wedding was really sweet and nice, and the food there was decent but damn i had to run on <3 hours of sleep this whole day with only a couple of naps in the car etc. sometimes i just wish that the day was longer so i could just do more shit. overall day was very nice although i didn’t get much rest time but damn dinner was a whole nother mess in the next section ugh.

the chaotic mess
rant warning this post probably doesnt make any sense and im sorry you're reading it

ok so for dinner me+my relatives (16 ppl total) walked to a hotpot place (well actually 2 but the first one had a super long line and waiting time so we said fuck it and went to a diff place) and since we had so many pl we were split into 2 tables of 8 and my grandma sat at the other table and i just didn’t notice. this is sort of important later on. so during dinner they ask me if i wanna see a movie but since i’m tired af, it’s like almost 9 pm already, and my phone’s about to die (~10% battery) i said no but after dinner they said they bought a bunch of tickets already and that i should go (cost like 8-9 usd per ticket). i said fuck it bc now im pretty much guilt tripped into going but i walked a bit faster than the others since old women + food = talkative and super slow (i underestimated how slow they were) and only walked like 10-20 meters ahead of them. i turned the corner and waited for them but like idk maybe i missed them bc i was listening to music or some shit cause i waited for at least a minute and i didn’t see any of them nor did they call out to me so i backtracked and i didn’t find anyone so then i run around looking for them for a solid 15 minutes and don’t find them so i go to the apartment(me, my mom, and sister are staying with my mom’s mom in china) thinking maybe they just went to watch the movie and thought that i went home and when i arrive i’m like “oh shit grandma actually went out” cause she usually just stays home and rests bc super old and just got out of hospital a few days back. i knocked a few times and no one answered and then i went to my cousin’s (same apartment building, just higher floor) and it turns out that they’re not home either even tho they didn’t go out to eat so i’m thinking “ok maybe they’re out looking for me.” i wait outside and walk around for another 15 mins and i don’t see them (later they tell me they were looking for me on bikes but like i didn’t see them so they must’ve just stayed around the hotpot place while i left that area) so i went to my other grandparent’s house and by the time i arrive i’ve probably been out for nearly an hour and i’m a sweaty mess and ugh what a mess some tickets got wasted, time got wasted, i just ran around a lot and this post is an incoherent mess like me

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@Geyde if you do not give me the broken spines and extreme suffering of bosses and/or npcs then i will break your spine



Me, an imgur user



heavily deepfried memes are the lowest form of humor it shouldn’t even be counted as humor

low effort, boring, and hurts the eyes


who needs help on sheet

I dont need help with the sheet just the motivation to do it

I might need it, but rn, I am still stuck on which race/class to choose, lul.

Do you have any character concept?

@discobot roll 1d8
health roll

:game_die: 1



Follow me maxi and dat

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tank cleric best cleric :^)

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Damage cleric best cleric :^)

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I’m a skillmonkey cleric, guys…

Lets just make a cleric team :wink: