[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

I’m cleric but that’s the spirit

the character concept is the most important thing so taaake your time

proceeds to use rng to decide everything for me

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I can do that for you

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My current concept is a dwarf bard that travels from tavern to tavern because he gets kicked out all the time because hes extremely violent (lots of strength)

Mine is a big religion nerd ( :’^} ) elf cleric who is trying to both find somewhere good to live as far from northwest there is and trying to emulate full goodness.

Oh yeah he also plays the best songs when hes really really drunk

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And I have a mule!
Put all your stuff on the poor animalrino.

so how did we all grt together for some big quest (supposedly)

does that have to be part of the concept/backstory or will geyde just magically pull us all together?

haven’t had much time to look at the character making guide anyway so i think ill have a better idea of what i wanna maybe do when i do

change o plans (for me irl)

uncle’s gonna get off work past work hours so 5:30 pm (~1 hr 15 min) china time so won’t be home till like 6 probs so that’s when I’ll work on char idea more and ask for help if for some god forsaken reason you’re still awake

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It is 5 AM here so I’ll be for sure aware.

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bruh dont tell me u stayed up the whole night

that’s not healthy :c

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alright my work is done i guess ima read the firat section of the guide

@mercenary do u wanna use disco to rng what race i am bc i am super indecisive and there’s a lot but at the same time i don’t wanna be super generic but i also dunno what i wanna be so aaaaa help pls

I mean get something with a racial bonus that benefits your class (mine doesnt but I love the idea of a dwarf bard)

hey merc when i get home im gonna dm u random thoughts on discord and could you help me with them or judge them etc pls?

I have a table with like all races from everywhere
do you want to use it or the one with the 9 PHB races?

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Yes I did :frowning:

Is It ok if I post my full character sheet here for yall to judge before I give it to geyde?

geyde is seeing it anyway so go ahead

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